Jiwan Kshetry
Jiwan Kshetry
Sleepless reckoning
Sleepless reckoning

Failing to lure sleep, I decided to challenge my body by stopping to worry and listening to the podcast with concentration
Jan 27, 2019

Future will be heard
Future will be heard

What explains the success of audio-journalism in the era of streaming videos that were
once feared to capture our attention and decimate every competitor including print media?
Jan 07, 2019

After social media
After social media
Since I became active in social media, I was aware of its downsides and desisted from its provocative use.
Dec 30, 2017
India: Making sense of Aditya's rise
India: Making sense of Aditya's rise
For those hoping that India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi would more perceptibly shift towards the development plank rather than the religio-doctrinal 'Hindutva' plank, the New Year came with an encouragement. With the five states including Uttar Pradesh (UP), the most populous one in the country,...
Apr 15, 2017