Bhagirath Yogi
Traditional Medicine: An Untapped Potential
Traditional Medicine: An Untapped Potential

Rigveda, an ancient Hindu scripture, says ‘Jivema Sharadah Shatam’ (May we live a life of 100 years!). In order to realize their ambition of living up to 100 years,they developed Ayurveda – a holistic system of medicine that is believed to have originated in around 1500 BCE, during...
Oct 29, 2024

Fighting poverty
Fighting poverty

Challenge is to deliver ‘bikas’ at the doorsteps of extremely poor communities like Chepangs and help transform their lives by involving them at every level.
Aug 01, 2017

Fun after 40
Fun after 40

Unless Nepal is able to create significant number of jobs in agriculture, infrastructure and tourism labor migration to other countries won’t stop
Jun 18, 2017

Where’s the money?
Where’s the money?

Coming up with $24 billion over the next ten years is going to be a Himalayan challenge for Nepal
May 08, 2017

Giving: The Nepali way
Giving: The Nepali way

Generating resources locally and deploying them in a sustainable way warrants both strategic planning and clarity of purpose
Mar 15, 2017

Business with a cause
Business with a cause

Maybe time has come for Nepali entrepreneurs to launch their own businesses with a social cause
Jan 24, 2017

Thai lessons
Thai lessons

Export oriented policies adopted by Thailand, both in agriculture and manufacturing, played a big role in transforming its economy
Oct 20, 2016

Catch ‘em young
Catch ‘em young

If we invest in our young people now, the return will come in the form of a healthy generation for decades to come
Sep 20, 2016