Hitesh Karki
Hitesh Karki
Time to start digital revolution in education
Time to start digital revolution in education

According to UNESCO, around 1.5 billion students are out of school in over 165 countries affected by the pandemic. In China, the government is working at an unprecedented scale and speed with private platform providers to continue classes. At least 260 million students from elementary to high school...
Jun 06, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Breaking the barriers
Breaking the barriers

No matter how much we glorify role of ICT in improving education, it cannot happen without larger participation of teachers
Sep 01, 2019

Let it succeed
Let it succeed

In 1986, Alfred Spector, president of Transarc Corporation, co-authored a paper comparing bridge building to software development. One of the key takeaways from his paper is while bridges fail, it catches the national headlines. We saw that happening with our own ‘Pappu Construction.’ In the paper,...
Jun 08, 2019

Teaching with computers
Teaching with computers

Out of more than 4, 00,000 students appearing for SEE examinations this year, there will be thousands who will be appearing their Computer Science paper. Out of these thousands, there will be a significant sizeable population who will be appearing the subject without having used or even seen compute...
Mar 31, 2019

Creating smart schools
Creating smart schools

The biggest push to integrate ICT in education in Nepal came in the form of ICT in Education Master Plan
Feb 12, 2019

Why computer education fails
Why computer education fails

Pratikhsya is interesting in many ways. She’s a ninth grader and below average student in her class. Class toppers are boring—that’s what she feels. Her below-average performance in the class interestingly is outshined by one stand out subject. Computer Studies. Incidentally, she did not choose the...
Sep 22, 2018

Teaching with technology
Teaching with technology

Many teachers who are currently teaching computer in public schools grew up in an era when computers were virtually non-existent
May 27, 2018

Bridging the gap
Bridging the gap

Few machines were not taking passwords and teachers seemed to have no clue as what were the actual passwords
Apr 03, 2018

Internet and schools
Internet and schools

Access to internet is getting easier. It seems pretty long now when internet was first made available by Mercantile Office Systems in mid-July of 1995 when it had Nepal connected via NTC to Singapore Telecom.
Mar 10, 2018

Computers in classrooms
Computers in classrooms

The reasons for unsuccessful yield of IT in country like ours need to be understood in depth and detail.
Jan 24, 2018