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Showing 82111 - 82120 out of 242709 results

Rolpa schools struggling in lack of funds

ROLPA, May 8: Even though the government has pledged free education up to the secondary level as child's fundamental rig...
May 08, 2019

Two cadres of Biplab-led group arrested

TANAHUN, May 7: Police have arrested two cadres of Biplab-led groups from the district.
May 07, 2019
My City

Wild Ripperz Crew’s initiative in hip hop dance

Sarwanaam Theater is renowned among the theater-goers in Kathmandu. The auditorium has successfully hosted a number of p...
May 07, 2019

Name provinces, fix capitals

Nearly two years after the country started exercising federal system with three tiers of government, more than half of t...
May 08, 2019

Branding Buddha’s birthplace

Buddhist tourism can appeal to a large number of faith-inspired travelers. Branding Nepal as Buddha’s birthplace would h...
May 08, 2019

Time to intervene

The government has failed to acknowledge the failure of previous commissions, ignored victims’ pressure and their key de...
May 08, 2019
My City

The Story of Being Odd

How do you define odd?  Maybe, something or someone who is different than the mass or the person who is not like you. Or...
May 08, 2019

Reclaiming Europe’s soul

The EU was once regarded as a bastion of hope for those living under tyranny, despotism, and kleptocracy. It is time to...
May 08, 2019

Infographics: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal baby

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle welcomed their first child into the world on May 6, 2019. The baby boy is seventh in line...
May 08, 2019
My City

She, with her day

She never planned for this day To be here where she is today All she thought was putting her hard work to everyday...
May 08, 2019
8212 of 242709