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The Week

The art of Observation

Thanks to social media, anyone with a knack for any particular skill like drawing, dancing, singing etc. can showcase th...
May 24, 2019
The Week

The world of Arts

Want to dabble in thangka painting but don’t know where to start? Or do you already have a knack for fashion designing a...
May 24, 2019
The Week

Films that tackle mental health

Mental health awareness may have been a subject of taboo a few decades ago but thanks to mainstream media, books as well...
May 24, 2019

India's Modi begins talks for new cabinet after big election win

NEW DELHI, May 24: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold talks on Friday to form a new cabinet to tackle a stutt...
May 24, 2019
The Week

Where people are the happiest

In 2012, the UN adopted the GNH with the help of Bhutan and has been releasing an annual report named “World’s Happiness...
May 24, 2019
The Week

Lessons, trips and loads of fun

One of their most notable works is the documentary they did on the honey hunters of Nepal. Titled “Mad Honey Hunters of...
May 24, 2019
The Week

Skincare basics you often get wrong

Everyone seems to have their own routine or set of steps that they think works for them when it comes to skincare. But P...
May 24, 2019
The Week

Fueling your Creativity

Writers, inventors, businessmen and musicians seem to come up with great ideas all the time, but being creative is usual...
May 24, 2019
The Week

Tourists are us

My social media feed these days is full of images and snapshots of the more picturesque parts of Nepal. A lot of young p...
May 24, 2019
The Week

The power of conversations

The dilemma one faces at a young age is about what one should do in their lives. Too many interests or sometimes too few...
May 24, 2019
8087 of 242492