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Showing 80791 - 80800 out of 242471 results

Army beats Province 2 by 171 runs on opening day

KATHMANDU, May 25: Spin bowlers shared eight wickets between them to propel Tribhuvan Army Club to cement a dominating w...
May 25, 2019

Revenue collection 13% lower than target

BIRGUNJ, May 25: Revenue collection by Birgunj Customs Office has seen a shortfall by 13% against the target till mid-Ma...
May 25, 2019

Revenue Advisory Committee submits report to government

KATHMANDU, May 25: The Revenue Advisory Committee has presented its report to the Minister for Finance, Yuba Raj Khatiwa...
May 25, 2019

Growth of real sector remains unchanged under strong government

KATHMANDU, May 25: Like his predecessors, Minister for Finance Yuba Raj Khatiwada said he had focused on ‘growth of real...
May 25, 2019

Upper house likely to revise Passport Bill

KATHMANDU, May 25: After President Bidya Bhandari sent the Passport Bill back to the lower house of parliament without a...
May 25, 2019

High court remands Janakpur temple chief priest in custody

JANAKPUR, May 25: The Janakpur High court on Thursday ordered the authorities to remand Mahant (chief priest) Baikuntha...
May 25, 2019

Water crisis emptying several Salyan villages

SALYAN, May 25: The family of Ramlal Yari of Manjhkada village in the hill district of Salyan migrated to Dhorpipal area...
May 25, 2019

NHRC Bill will be revised to address concerns: House panel chief

KATHMANDU, May 25: The chairman of the parliament’s Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee, Krishna Bhakta Pokharel, ha...
May 25, 2019

Ansari, 3 Pakistanis among 6 arrested with fake IRs 76.7m at TIA

KATHMANDU, May 25: In a major crackdown on the smuggling of fake Indian currency, police arrested former media entrepren...
May 25, 2019

600 atop Everest this season

KATHMANDU, May 25: As many as 600 individuals have climbed Mount Everest as of Friday even as the weather window for thi...
May 25, 2019
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