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Showing 62961 - 62970 out of 242474 results

21 positive for coronavirus on cruise ship off California

SAN FRANCISCO, March 7: Twenty-one people aboard a mammoth cruise ship off the California coast tested positive for the...
Mar 07, 2020

The westerly wind brings rainfall throughout the country

KATHMANDU, March 7: Rainfall is taking place throughout the country since the morning today due to the influence of the...
Mar 07, 2020

Prince out of German junior badminton

KATHMANDU, March 7: Nepali badminton athlete Prince Dahal has lost in the pre-quarterfinal of the Yonex German Junior Ba...
Mar 07, 2020

Miss world organization to support Chepangs

HETAUDA, March 7: Chairperson of the Miss world organization, that runs the annual Miss World competition, Julia Morley...
Mar 07, 2020

South Korea's coronavirus cases rise to 6,767 with most cases traced to church

SEOUL, March 7: South Korea’s coronavirus cases rose to 6,767 on Saturday, up by 174 from late Friday, with more than 60...
Mar 07, 2020

Virus cases top 100,000 in 90 countries as markets take dive

PARIS, March 7: Crossing more borders, the new coronavirus hit a milestone, infecting more than 100,000 people worldwide...
Mar 07, 2020

Domestic airlines to proportionately ground their aircraft

KATHMANDU, March 7: The airline operators of Nepal have decided to proportionately ground their aircraft as the demand o...
Mar 07, 2020

Construction of Kuine bridge gains momentum

TIKAPUR, March 7: The construction work of Kuine bridge which started last year, is gaining momentum with 60% of the wor...
Mar 07, 2020

Nawalparasi sugarcane farmers still await payments worth Rs 190 million

NAWALPARASI, March 7: Sugarcane farmers of Nawalparasi are still waiting for their payments worth Rs 190 million from tw...
Mar 07, 2020

Jhapa stuns APF to reach Aaha Rara quarters

POKHARA, March 7: JHAPA XI has stunned the A-Division outfit Armed Police Force (APF) Club 5-3 in the tie-breaker to adv...
Mar 07, 2020
6297 of 242474