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Showing 61741 - 61750 out of 242740 results

Govt urges public to fill correct info in COVID-19 app

KATHMANDU, April 4: The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) on Friday urged the public to fill correct information...
Apr 04, 2020

NC leader Koirala urges PM to sack Ali

KATHMANDU, April 4: A senior leader of the main opposition party, Nepali Congress (NC), Shekhar Koirala has asked Prime...
Apr 04, 2020

Under fire over expressway consultancy process, Army changes letter's subject

KATHMANDU, April 4: In what appears to be an admission of a mistake in the process of picking a South Korean joint ventu...
Apr 04, 2020

Panic spikes as PM's IT guru Ali has access to people's private data

KATHMANDU, April 4: ExtensoData, the prime minister's IT consultant Asgar Ali's data company, has many senior government...
Apr 04, 2020

AI-Nepal urges govt to protect migrant workers and marginalized

KATHMANDU, April 4: Amnesty International Nepal has urged the government to ensure that basic needs of migrant workers,...
Apr 04, 2020

Govt does U-turn to let INGOs hand out medical supplies, food, cash directly

KATHMANDU, April 4: After International Non-Government Organizations (INGOs) working in Nepal snubbed a call for financi...
Apr 04, 2020

Govt decision to let army procure medical supplies stirs controversy

KATHMANDU, April 4: Nepal Army (NA) has been dragged into a controversy again. It is not because of the national army's...
Apr 04, 2020

Police rescue 21 Indonesians after protests amid COVID-19 fears

KATHMANDU, April 4: Police have rescued 21 Indonesian Muslim pilgrims after locals protested over suspicions of coronavi...
Apr 04, 2020

Finance Ministry asks government offices to curtail expenses

KATHMANDU, April 4: The Ministry of Finance has asked government agencies to halt expenses in a number of activities, ta...
Apr 04, 2020

NEA makes profit of Rs 10.67 billion

KATHMANDU, April 4: The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has earned a profit of Rs 10.67 billion in the fiscal year 201...
Apr 04, 2020
6175 of 242740