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Showing 60691 - 60700 out of 243052 results

Big failure of small government

LONDON – Decades of privatization, outsourcing, and budget cuts in the name of “efficiency” have significantly hampered...
May 20, 2020

Democracies are better at managing crises

TEL AVIV – The COVID-19 crisis has become the latest front in the escalating clash of ideologies that has become a centr...
May 20, 2020

Reawakening in Nepal for territory

The government of Nepal recently endorsed a new political map of Nepal by including the Limpiadhura region. This move ca...
May 20, 2020

Govt package to revive businesses eludes private sector

KATHMANDU, May 20: The government has been reluctant to come up with a stimulus package as demanded by the private secto...
May 20, 2020

COVID-19 pandemic likely to unleash a long-term mental health issues in Nepal

KATHMANDU, May 20: To flatten the COVID-19 curve, countries have taken various measures. As nationwide lockdown extends,...
May 20, 2020

Two police officers test positive for COVID-19; more than 200 to be sent to quarantine

Kathmandu: Two police officers at Metropolitan Police Circle, Kalimati, have tested positive for COVID-19, confirmed Sen...
May 20, 2020

Chandragiri Municipality sealed off till May 22

Kathmandu May 20: In a bid to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the community, Chandragiri Municipality on Tuesday has d...
May 20, 2020

UK COVID-19 death toll nears 43,000 as scrutiny over strategy grows

LONDON, May 20:The United Kingdom’s COVID-19 death toll has reached nearly 43,000, underlining the country’s status as t...
May 20, 2020

Italy to decide on Serie A return on May 28

ROME, May 20: The Italian government will decide on May 28 if and when the Serie A season can resume, Sports Minister Vi...
May 20, 2020

As tension mounts between Nepal and India over border issue, China cautions both against unilateral action

KATHMANDU, May 20: Amid diplomatic tension that has surfaced between Nepal and India after the latter unilaterally built...
May 20, 2020
6070 of 243052