Sajja Chaulagain, first female Nepal Idol

Published On: August 29, 2020 10:19 AM NPT By: Republica

KATHMANDU, Aug 29:  Sajja Chaulagain, 22, from Morang district became the first female to win the title of Nepal Idol Season 3. She received a cash prize of Rs 5 million as the winner.

Prabin Bedwal and Kiran Kumar Bhujel became the first and second runner-up, with the cash prize of Rs 1.5 million and Rs 500,000, respectively.

The grand finale was broadcast live on AP1 television on Friday. “I don’t have any words, how your love and support has made me reach to this point of life.

Because of all your support, I got this success and you all are my life givers. This victory is not only mine but yours as well,” Chaulagain wrote on her facebook page after the victory.

Chaulagain is also a member and the lead vocalist of The Loading Band.