She's Gone

By Afaf Shamim
Published: September 25, 2019 08:05 AM

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The girl who always smiled and frowned
The girl who always laughed and cried
The girl who was determined
Finally gave up and died

She went away
One blue and grey old day
She didn't sing
She left her rings
She didn't even
Pack her things

She slowly dragged
Her eyes in bags
Down the hallway
Out the door
To be forgotten
Again once more

She said nothing
As she walked away
She didn't even
Last day

You watched her go
And disappear
Into thin air
Far away from fear

You never saw that girl again
You never saw her pain that she thought she'd ever feel again
That the girl you knew
Slowly got up
With her words that she withdrew
The girl you thought to never cry
Finally gave up
And finally died

She is a girl I know very well
She is me can't you tell