A visual spectacle

Published On: July 27, 2018 11:40 AM NPT By: Rakshya Khadka

Photo: Pratik Rayamajhi

It’s the dramatics, the theatrics that elevate the whole experience. 
It’s not just about the ice cream but also the performance involved.

You will have to go on a treasure hunt with Holmes-level deduction and hawk eye vision to find one person who isn’t an ice cream devotee. And it’s to cater to these lovers of ice cream that the experience of a good ice cream has been redefined these days. It’s no longer just about the flavor but the visuals, the content and, very recently, the theatrics. 

-321 Ice Cream Live at Civil Mall in Sundhara, Kathmandu, started its services only a few weeks ago but you can see crowds of people thronging the place on any given day. It derives its name from the temperature at which liquid nitrogen exists. It pays its homage because liquid nitrogen is at the core of what it does, and the delicious ice cream it serves. 

On a recent trip to the United States, Sanjog Koirala chanced upon a -321 Ice Cream outlet and was captivated with not just the food but also the show. “I’m always on the lookout for introducing new things into the Nepalis market and this one clicked just right,” he says adding that he could just see it becoming really popular in Nepal. Backed by investors, Koirala purchased the patent and, lo behold, the first outlet was opened in Nepal. The presence of -321 Ice Cream is scant in Southeast Asia and Koirala lays claim to license the patent to any Asian country in the Southeast part of the region. 

So what is the buzz all about? The liquid base of the ice cream is subjected to liquid nitrogen that instantly freezes it. You can then customize it to your own liking: Add unorthodox ingredients (demand for an avocado, if you wish) and choose the toppings to suit your taste. And treated to a solution of liquid nitrogen, it effuses steaming vapor that likens it to something out of an A-class Hollywood movie. The visual is stunning and glamorous. 

There is no ice cream unless you ask for it. It’s not like there is a display for you to choose from as they make the ice cream fresh, right before your eyes. The good thing is that the ice cream is devoid of emulsifiers and added sugars, low on calories, and thus organic making it “the freshest ice cream in town that gives a show”.

But you’re playing with a chemical substance, one might argue. However, the owners assure that liquid nitrogen is an innocently harmless gas that only solidifies the liquid base of ice creams in mere seconds. The staffs are adeptly trained in a ten-day time frame on safety precautions and preparation processes.

“I wanted to contribute to a cultural change whereby people indulged in outdoor experiences more than indoors and I believed that the prospect of a tantalizing ice cream was a good enough excuse to lure out people even on the gloomiest of days,” says Koirala adding that there are plans of opening more outlets in Durbar Marg and Thamel soon. But before that, a brand new outlet is all set to be launched at Labim Mall in Pulchowk, Lalitpur. 


Not just Yogi Bear but every Nutella enthusiast is taken with this one. Nutella based and adorned with crunchy wafers, sprinklers, choc chips and studded with gems-eyes, this is a pound of goodness that just melts in your mouth leaving a creamy trail of bitter chocolate. However, it’s a little on the sweeter side so those who are monitoring their sugar intake better watch out. The toppings complement the ice cream and do not overwhelm the star of the show: Nutella. To all Nutella fanatics who have tirelessly searched high and low for this blessing, this is a present just for you. 


No, this isn’t a figment of our imagination. This is reality. And what wonderful reality it is. Might be just why it’s the bestseller among all. Topped with cashew nuts and waffles, this is juju dhau at its finest. It’s heavy, almost heavy enough to pass for a meal. Take a regular size and you’re good for the day. However, the lack of traditional sweetness associated with ice cream might set off a few because it’s essentially yoghurt after all. It has no added sugar so it might be just the right thing for diabetics or those who are calorie conscious.  


You are in for quite a show. This one is the visual showstopper. It’s basically cheese balls treated with liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen exists at -321 Fahrenheit so when contacted with the outside temperature and that of the mouth both of which are considerably warmer, a vapor is released through the mouth and the nose, akin to a dragon breathing fire and hence the name, Dragon Breath. It’s more for an elemental fun and not for those seeking an innovative taste. It’s quite a rage among the younger crowd because it makes for a good Instagram story.