Third sex should be provided citizenship based on gender orientation: Chaudhary

Published On: April 11, 2017 05:38 PM NPT By: Anil Bhandari

SINDHULI, April 10: The Blue Diamond Society (B DS), an umbrella organization of the LGBTs, has claimed that there are 2.5 million third genders in Nepal. 

“The third genders are found in each and every district. There are many third genders who do not want to expose themselves in the society for fear of social stigma,” said third gender Junu Chaudhary.  

“The third genders are discriminated by their own families, let alone the society. The society always makes fun of us. We are third sex not by our choice but by birth. However, the society does not understand this,” lamented Chaudhary.

The society harasses us by using abusive comments in every moment of our life.

Chaudhary argued that the third genders are suffering from HIV Aids as they tend to indulge in sexual activities as a respite to the tortured psyche, said Chaudhary.

If the pent-up feeling of the third sex is exposed to the society, it will help them get their rights, believes Chaudhary.

Chaurdhary demanded that the government amend the provision that       grants them citizenship based on their gender orientation.

Chaudhary says she has been given the citizenship based on her sexual identification.

The citizenship bears Chaudhary’s name as Jayaraj Chaudhary.  Since Chaudhary’s mannerism is akin to female, Chaudhary prefers to introduce herself as Junu Chaudhary.

The third genders must enjoy equal rights. The government should enact provisions to grant them passports, too, said Chaudhary. 

Third gender or third sex is a concept in which individuals are categorized, either by themselves or by society, as neither man nor woman.




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