Rishikesh Upadhyaya

Published On: October 26, 2016 10:21 AM NPT By: Rishikesh Upadhyaya

Our problems are just illusions, let’s deal with them

Our problems are just illusions, let’s deal with them

Problems! Well, we face it every day, every moment and everywhere.

No one is free from problems. We either face them or overcome. Either way, we are trapped by it.

We teenagers are the slave of problems. It binds our neck with a rope which, it seems, we are never able to break off.

Sometimes a problem can end someone’s life. It seizes your precious time and happiness.

It appears as if problems have the power to move you, in either direction- good or bad.
But let me ask you: do the problems really exist? Are they real?

Yes, problems are real. However, the perception we have about problems may be imaginative. May be problems don’t exist. Maybe our mind is a factory that keeps on manufacturing problems. Maybe problems are illusion.

For teenagers, like me, the most common and chronic problem is the one about relationships.

Breakups are painful and it’s a big issue for us. We tend to close ourselves from others, and we lose sleep. 

For us, this almost feels like the end of the world. But have you ever thought about this carefully?  It’s just an illusion and we tend to live in that illusion.

The significant other that we fret about is also someone’s son or daughter or brother or sister. He lives within us in our society. And if we are to erase memories of the significant other, the person has no memory and the problem is non-existent. 

Therefore, the real problem is our memory. However, memory doesn’t just go away. If we realize, problem is the outcome of feeling and feeling is the result of past.

We are just stuck to illusion, one that shadows the reality and tricks us again and again.

Let’s get out of the trap and begin anew. 

We are the evil light in glowing shadows, and let’s come out of that shadow. 

Upadhyaya is currently studying +2 in St. Xavier’s college, Maitighar, Kathmandu.

my voice, problems,

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