Dikson Limbu
Dikson Limbu
Limbu is an MBA graduate from Kathmandu University School of Management
Excess Liquidity and Mounting Defaults: Nepal’s Banking Sector Faces Looming Crisis
Excess Liquidity and Mounting Defaults: Nepal’s Banking Sect...

Nepal's banking sector is experiencing an alarming paradox. While banks are flush with liquidity, as seen by a Credit-to-Deposit Ratio (CDR) of 78.58% as of December 7, 2024 (source: Nepal Rastra Bank), they are also grappling with an unprecedented increase in loan defaults.
Dec 14, 2024

The Cost of Remittances
The Cost of Remittances
The unproductive use of remittances, combined with inflation in health, education, and consumer goods, and the possibility of a real estate bubble burst, could have severe repercussions for Nepal's economic future in the long run.
Jul 10, 2024