Sunil Sapkota
Sunil Sapkota
Govt’s decision to bear treatment costs of Ex-PM Khanal against law
Govt’s decision to bear treatment costs of Ex-PM Khanal agai...

KATHMANDU, July 7: The treatment cost of former Prime Minister (PM) Jhalanath Khanal is to be borne by the government. It has been learnt that a cabinet meeting held on June 21 took a decision to this effect.
Jul 07, 2021

SOCIETY, Republica Watch, Latest Updates
Save the Children faked data to receive Rs. 230 million from the Global Fund, says Health...
Save the Children faked data to receive Rs. 230 million from...

KATHMANDU, Aug 26: The Health Ministry has suspected Save the Children, Nepal of cheating The Global Fund for years over the data of the HIV infected Nepalis. According to the Ministry, the organization has faked the data to secure big funds. The organization received 230 million rupees with the hel...
Aug 26, 2020

ECONOMY, Latest Updates
Govt authorities trying to exonerate Esewa from charge of carrying out illegal bitcoin bus...
Govt authorities trying to exonerate Esewa from charge of ca...

KATHMANDU, June 26: It has been revealed that government authorities have tried to exonerate Esewa – a digital wallet company – from the charge of carrying out the business of banned crypto currency ‘bitcoin’ in Nepal.
Jun 26, 2020

SOCIETY, Republica Watch, Coronavirus
Huge price difference in health equipment purchased by Army and Department of Health Servi...
Huge price difference in health equipment purchased by Army...
KATHMANDU, June 8: It has been found that there is a huge price difference in the same amount of health equipment purchased by two different government bodies to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jun 08, 2020
POLITICS, Republica Watch, Coronavirus
Senior officials at PMO blocking blacklisting of Omni
Senior officials at PMO blocking blacklisting of Omni

KATHMANDU, April 17: Although the government had decided to blacklist the Omni Business Corporate International Private Limited, officials have been dilly-dallying to implement the decision amid alleged pressure from “people” at the Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers (OPMCM).
Apr 17, 2020

SOCIETY, Republica Watch, Latest Updates
Payment gateway bought for Rs 250 million dumped to promote eSewa
Payment gateway bought for Rs 250 million dumped to promote...

KATHMANDU, April 7: It has been learnt that Prime Minister's Information Technology Consultant Asgar Ali has been promoting his private company -- eSewa -- by stopping the operation of a payment gateway system purchased earlier by the government for Rs 250 million.
Apr 07, 2020

SOCIETY, Republica Watch, Latest Updates
Panic spikes as PM's IT guru Ali has access to people's private data
Panic spikes as PM's IT guru Ali has access to people's priv...

KATHMANDU, April 4: ExtensoData, the prime minister's IT consultant Asgar Ali's data company, has many senior government officials worried over 'possible misuse of government data'. ExtensoData, established in 2018, is one of many subsidiaries of F1Soft International, where Ali is vice president. It...
Apr 04, 2020

SOCIETY, Republica Watch, Latest Updates
Omni Group involved in price gouging of medical supplies from China has a long history
Omni Group involved in price gouging of medical supplies fro...

KATHMANDU, March 31: The Omni Group which was awarded the contract to supply various medical equipment and logistics to control the coronavirus (COVID-19) by the government at exorbitantly higher prices is found to have been involved in similar controversial procurement deals with the Election Commi...
Mar 31, 2020

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Medical suppliers accuse Health Ministry of bypassing competitive bidding process to favor...
Medical suppliers accuse Health Ministry of bypassing compet...

KATHMANDU, March 30: Although officials at Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) claimed that they decided to procure medical supplies without following competitive bidding process, medical suppliers in the country have dismissed the claim, saying that sealed quotation invited by the ministry was...
Mar 30, 2020

SOCIETY, Latest Updates
Financial irregularities suspected in procurement of medical equipment from China
Financial irregularities suspected in procurement of medical...

KATHMANDU, March 29: It has been revealed that the medical equipment and other logistics that the government has procured from China for the treatment of coronavirus-infected patients have been purchased at exorbitantly high prices, raising serious concerns over massive financial irregularities in t...
Mar 29, 2020