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Rajeeb Shrestha

Rajeeb Shrestha



Geopolitical Impact of Communism's Rise and Fall in Nepal

Since Comrade Pushpa Lal Shrestha was unsatisfied with the movement against the Rana regime led by Nepali Congress as Congress members were ready to include Ranas to the interim government, he established Nepal Communist Party in 1949 in an Indian city, Calcutta.
Dec 21, 2024

Practicing Buddhism in Real Life Scenario

Buddhism is the teachings of Buddha based on the principles of four noble truths he had propounded. In fact, Buddhism is not a created religion or Dharma but it is an epic of Buddha's teachings about life and existence. Many people are still in a dilemma regarding Buddhism if it's a religious dogma...
May 15, 2023

How to Stop Corporal Punishment?

Since discipline is an ongoing process, we the adults as teachers, instructors, parents or guardians should be aware of the fact that our children are disciplined not through the process of hurting but through positive methods.
Apr 10, 2023

Status of South Asian Children

The global movement for children's welfare, which emerged after the World Summit for Children in September 1990, has achieved notable progress in promoting the rights and well-being of children worldwide. The Summit laid out four fundamental principles, including the provision of all children's righ...
Mar 23, 2023
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

While Rowing on Begnas...

Infinite blue water So still and calm An amazing blend of Tranquility and sanity My mind rows with slow pace of the boat
Jan 25, 2023
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed


If love is eternal Then why it’s irrational? You disappeared Leaving me derailed
Jan 02, 2023
My City, Lifestyle, Gen-Next

Childish Pride

When I was a child, I had a red Mercedes, They say; A boy’s toy Always will be a car or a gun! But as a boy I preferred A car to run!
Oct 09, 2022
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

Parade of Love!

In the open blue sky, The silverymoon is shining With a coquettish smile! A couple of Flamingos Have just flown Crossing the earth That’s so engrossed In its vigour!!
Sep 27, 2022
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

After Death....

After death, I’ll die / we will die Then nobody cares That you existed Our physical body Will be buried or burnt Some may shade crocodile tears Real tears would be very rare
Sep 04, 2022
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed

Monk O’ Nomadic One!

Lives a life in the path of divine! Thus peaceful is animated awake O’ thine!! Monk O’divine the sentient being! Crossing all the austerities How do you indeed control Your own frenzy in the soul?
Sep 01, 2022