Guy Verhofstadt
guy verhofstadt
Is COVID-19 killing democracy?
Is COVID-19 killing democracy?

BRUSSELS – The economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis occupy almost everyone’s thoughts and conversations. And for good reason: the European Union, for one, is headed toward the worst recession in its history, with the economy expected to shrink by 7-12% this year. But far less is being said a...
May 17, 2020

The battle for Britain
The battle for Britain

BRUSSELS – The Brexit “Leave” campaign has been billed as an effort to “take back control” by restoring “sovereignty” to the United Kingdom’s Parliament. It is thus deeply ironic that one of the first moves of the Brexiteers upon coming to power has been to suspend Parliament and shut down debate ov...
Sep 05, 2019

Boris’s big lie
Boris’s big lie

BRUSSELS – Three years after the United Kingdom’s Brexit referendum, the UK is no closer to figuring out how to leave the European Union, and what comes next, than it was when the result was announced. And now a Conservative Party leadership election to replace outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May is...
Jul 01, 2019

Reclaiming Europe’s soul
Reclaiming Europe’s soul

The EU was once regarded as a bastion of hope for those living under tyranny, despotism, and kleptocracy. It is time to reclaim that mantle
May 08, 2019

Europe must unite on China
Europe must unite on China

BRUSSELS – When seeking investment capital and seemingly lucrative commercial deals, EU member-state governments do not always consider shared European interests. This has especially been the case with respect to China. Yet member states that pursue a relationship with China unilaterally endanger bo...
Mar 31, 2019

Brexit and British politics
Brexit and British politics

If British political leaders are to have any hope of uniting their bitterly divided country, they will have to lead by example
Jan 24, 2019

Revolution Europe needs
Revolution Europe needs

The uprising that Europe needs will not happen in the streets of Paris or Brussels, but within the EU’s paralyzed institutions
Dec 20, 2018

The Brexitization of European politics
The Brexitization of European politics

BRUSSELS – Far from settling the question of the United Kingdom’s future, the 2016 Brexit referendum and subsequent negotiations with the European Union have triggered a full-blown identity crisis and culture war in Britain. Two years after the UK electorate voted by 52 percent to 48 percent to wi...
Nov 03, 2018

Drain the EU swamp
Drain the EU swamp

Instead of protecting populist governments that are looting EU funds, EU should ensure that all member-state governments are held to account
Oct 10, 2018

Europe’s populist fifth column
Europe’s populist fifth column

Far-right populists are successfully politicizing the very institutions and legal instruments upon which European security depends
Sep 06, 2018