Hari Bansh Jha
Reason to worry
Reason to worry

Tensions between the US and Iran continues even after several days of killing of top Iranian General Qassim Suleimani by the US at Baghdad airport in Iraq on January 3. Suleimani was the most powerful commander of the Revolutionary Guards in Iran. In retaliation, Iran launched a spate of missile att...
Jan 28, 2020

What Yadav’s exit means
What Yadav’s exit means

The resignation of Upendra Yadav from the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Law on the ground that the federal government did not address the demands of Madheshi, Janajati and other disadvantaged groups by amending the constitution has created a ripple in Nepali politics. With this devel...
Jan 02, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Combating hunger
Combating hunger

This is no time for complacency for Nepal when we are heading toward 2030, the year to bring hunger to zero level as per the UN Sustainable Development Goal
Dec 11, 2019

Janakpur calling
Janakpur calling

Modi’s visit might become epochal in bolstering socio-economic and cultural ties between Nepal and India
May 07, 2018

As Oli goes to India
As Oli goes to India

Prime Minister Oli holds almost the same strong clout in Nepal as his counterpart Narendra Modi does in India
Apr 03, 2018

Reviving Janakpur’s pride
Reviving Janakpur’s pride

Construction of Ram-Janaki Multipurpose International Stadium is likely to revive glorious cultural tradition of Janakpur.
Mar 06, 2018

Rohingya and Nepal
Rohingya and Nepal

Nepal, India and Bangladesh should exert pressure on the United Nations and the
Myanmar government to create proper environment for safe return of the Rohingya.
Nov 26, 2017

To ally or not to ally
To ally or not to ally

Congress needs Madhesbadi parties for its very survival while these parties can do without such an alliance with NC.
Oct 18, 2017

Doklam and Nepal
Doklam and Nepal

It is not advisable for Nepal to remain neutral when there is a war-like situation in our neighborhood.
Sep 10, 2017

Unity in adversity
Unity in adversity

Let’s join hands to turn this challenge in the form of massive floods in Tarai into an opportunity to unite the whole country.
Aug 15, 2017