Sukhdev Shah
One mistake of Nepali democracy: Oversized parliament
One mistake of Nepali democracy: Oversized parliament

It is sad that despite all the political upheavals and fiery speeches delivered to the public, no serious case has been made to trim the size of parliament and the government.
Sep 23, 2020

What we gained, what we lost
What we gained, what we lost

It was early in the afternoon of April 9 30 years ago, when the news reached Washington that King Birendra had agreed to replace Panchayat with multi-party democracy, the long-held demand of democracy activists in the country. Prior to the King’s surrender of absolute authority, tens of thousands of...
Apr 16, 2020

Much ado about nothing
Much ado about nothing

‘Much ado about nothing’ is the title of a play by William Shakespeare which he wrote toward the end of the 16th century to highlight disagreements and bad behavior of newlywed couples in most cases on trivial matters. More formally and generally, the phrase means ‘a great deal of fuss over a thing...
Jan 28, 2020

OPINION, Latest Updates
Creating possibilities for Nepal
Creating possibilities for Nepal

Building Inter-country Water Supply Management System connecting Mechi and Mahakali rivers will help harness Nepal’s precious river resources
Dec 24, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Where Nepal failed
Where Nepal failed

Nepal’s political map has never shown Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura in the country’s map. This is an amusing omission by Nepali administration
Nov 27, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
In memoriam of my son
In memoriam of my son

Manu, my son, was born on December 31, 1975, in Alexandria, Virginia, and died on September 9, 2019, just a couple of miles away from the place of his birth. Manu was American by birth but he loved Nepal, in an immense and immeasurable manner, and love of his parents’ land grew overtime for reasons...
Oct 05, 2019

OPINION, Latest Updates
Salaries remain the same
Salaries remain the same
In one early announcement of this year’s budget on May 30, Finance Minister Yuvraj Khatiwada said that growth target has been set at 8.5 percent for the year and it will ensue from a number of growth inducing schemes introduced with the new budget and will be supported by a record Rs.1.53 trillion s...
Sep 25, 2019
OPINION, Latest Updates
Distancing India
Distancing India

Nepal’s 50 years of effort at distancing ties with India has come at the cost of hurting its economy and creating a hurdle to connect the country to the world outside
Sep 04, 2019

Budget’s fake economics
Budget’s fake economics

How will Nepal achieve 8.5 percent growth? Likely sources of growth do not point to more than a mediocre performance, around four to five percent
Aug 07, 2019

Decoding budget
Decoding budget

One striking feature of Nepal budgeting has been that almost the entire amount of revenue collected from domestic sources gets spent for recurrent expenditures
Jun 11, 2019