It’s Intonation of love through rueful phrases
A story of crazy, adorable and delightful days
Rejoice of years of love, valentines and birthdays
A decade of intimacy could make heaps of essays.
Falling drops of rain sob our love
“Why are they apart?” laments the dove
Moon weeps, “They’d zilch remained undreamt of”
Nimble airwaves mourn our tragedy far above.
Every argument, quarrels, and fights I’d won
The reason was your silence for not letting me down
Oh, girl, you’re my princes without the crown
Spit out ego darling, come on!! Let us unite as one.
Buddies encircle me all around, but I’m all alone
I’ve been forgotten but you are still my own
I’ve given up the battle, my Barbie girl, you have won
I plead guilty for every defiance I’ve done
I’m desperately impatient to hear from you my girl
It could be the last time, my name, you can call
My final twitch seeks you, don’t be late, and don’t whirl
You were and are still the one my valentine doll.