Priyanka Chopra and singer Nick Jonas exchanged wedding vows on this day a year ago, and the Bollywood star celebrated their first anniversary by penning a special message for the American singer and crediting him for bringing joy, passion and excitement in her life.
Last year, Priyanka and Nick had a Catholic wedding on December 1, and tied the knot in a traditional Hindu ceremony on December 2 in India.
"My promise. Then..today.. forever. You bring me joy, grace, balance, excitement, passion.. all in the same moment...thank you for finding me... Happy First wedding anniversary Husband.. @nickjonas.
"And Thank you to everyone for the love and good wishes. We feel blessed," she posted on Instagram alongside a series of pictures from their wedding.
Nick, also took to social media to celebrate their one-year anniversary. "One year ago today we said forever.... Well forever isn't nearly long enough. I love you with all of my heart @priyankachopra happy anniversary," he captioned a photo from their catholic wedding.