Your ideas never die, but the people would call you mad when it comes to making your ideas into a new kind of an avatar or bringing out an extraordinary theory in it. Achieving this outcome can make a huge difference in your life, no matter who you are. The fact, however, is that your ideas can’t get success overnight. On one hand, you need to have a strong commitment in order to get successful outcomes. On the other hand, you need not to worry about your failures in such circumstances. Audrey Hepburn once said, ‘Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I’m possible.’ First and foremost, you should calmly and wisely believe in yourself.
Of course, everyone is blessed with a unique talent. But, at the same time, the irony is that people are not going through their talents. In this dog-eat-dog world, as a result, they are doing just the opposite, not complementing their talents. To be honest, personal freedom matters a lot. Especially at a time when he/she’ll be doing any kind of jobs. Above all, for anyone of us, free-will may lead to better productivity as well as creativity at par levels.
Here it is relevant to quote Maya Angelou, ‘You cannot use up creativity. The more you use it, the more you have.’ So, change your thoughts for better, take smart decisions and see the world’s new dimensions from where you stand right now. No doubt, the world is waiting for your creative ideas – do wonder. Most importantly, each day you can learn something new useful, insightful and beautiful rather than living with too much focus on the future. Who knows exactly what will happen in the next 5 to 10 years, right?
‘One simple idea. Maybe game-changing ideas at a time when we’re proving ourselves, no matter what the areas we may choose. Take an example – we should build a city, creation (like Apple Pencil), radical transformation on economic activities, making the institution, developing infrastructure and what not. Therefore, this is the need of the hour: we should think about such things with a great conviction instead of blaming each other.
If we look at history, many successful ideas were not able to succeed in the very first attempt. Those ideas were categorically redesigned, reframed, and reconsidered for the sake of making worthwhile results. Hence, keeping this in mind, we should not forget the story of Sir Albert Einstein – earlier setbacks did not stop him from winning the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. After all, he believed that success is a failure in progress.