Women start patrolling at night to ensure safe neighborhood

A group of women from Madan and Swagat areas of Hetauda Sub-Metropolis-9 patrolling at night.
Published: May 20, 2018 07:44 AM

MAKWANPUR, May 20: Locals of Pashupatinagar in Hetauda Sub-Metropolitan City-9 have started feeling more safe and secure after the initiation of security patrol at night by the local women.

It has been two months since around four dozen women of Sawagat and Madan tole have been ensuring security of the people of their community at night holding sticks in their hands. According to a local, Buddhimaya Blon, these women shut down all the hotels at around 8 pm and start patrolling from 9 pm after gathering at various places.

These women claim that their effort to ban drinking at night has reduced the number thefts and family disputes especially between husband and wives. Pashupatinagar, in the recent years, has earned a reputation of a hub for violence against women and drug abuse. Raj Kumar Gautam, one of the locals, informed that there has been significant decrease in such activities after the patrolling of women. According to him, nights have been really peaceful these days.

"A large number of youths in the community have been struggling with drug addiction. They often used to fight and disturb people at night but not anymore," said Kalpana Thapa Magar, chairperson of a local mother's group. As the number of drug addicts kept increasing, the local women armed themselves to curb their activities.

In the beginning, these women were ridiculed when they shared the idea of patrolling at night for a safer neighborhood. But now, even the males have started appreciating and co-operating with them. "We have banned the production of home-made liquors. No hotel is allowed to open after 8 pm and no one will be able to purchase drinks at night," said Thapa Magar, adding, "Now, not many husbands dare to beat their wives by getting drunk." 

Even the male members of the society have started supporting them in patrolling. Ram Bista, chairperson of Community Service Center, Makwanpur, informed that the initiative taken by the women has been supported by police, civil society, local representatives and various other authorities.

Meanwhile, Laxman Aryal, chairperson of Hetauda submetropolis-9 admitted that the locals have been able to get a sound sleep after the patrolling of the women. Earlier, it was not safe to walk in roads and streets after 7 pm. Recently, five men who were found beating their wives under the influence of alcohol were held and handed over to police. 

These women allow drinking from 5 to 9 pm. Hotel owners have been strictly forbidden to offer anything even food to anyone after eight o' clock at night.