Getting a great job is only the beginning. After you’ve become comfortable in your position, it’s time to show your value to the company and make an impression on your boss and co-workers. Showing your worth every day is the best way to stand out and be remembered for promotions and special opportunities. Try these methods to show your value and stand out from the crowd.
Become the go-to person
Stay up to date on company policies, best practices, and all the details that are necessary to do a great job in your department. By being an expert on the right way to get things done, you can show your worth to everyone you work with by having the information they need when they need it. If you have a particular area of interest, delve into it deeper. Being the office expert on a tricky area improves your visibility and keeps your name current with management improving your chances of being chosen when promotion opportunities arise.
Exude excellence
Consider every task an important task and always do your best. After years or even months on the job, it is easy to let some jobs slide or only do good every once in a while.
If you want the best work assignments, it is important that you show your value by giving every job your very best effort. Be that employee who never needs extra oversight because his work is always done right and on time. If you occasionally make a mistake, admit it with grace and then fix it right away. Mistakes happen but are quickly forgiven to employees who are known for their work ethic and high standards.
Raise Your Hand
Volunteer to help the new guy, mentor an intern or do a task that no one in the office really wants to do. Show your value by being part of the team and really participating in the team dynamic. If you are not only doing a great job at your own work but also regularly helping improve your co-workers’ productivity, you’re likely to be one of the first called for promotion opportunities.
Share Your Knowledge
Find new ways to share your expertise beyond the walls of your office. Give speeches at professional organizations related to your industry or write an article for your company’s newsletter. Offer to provide training in and out of your department in your area of expertise. While extending your reach, remember to take advantage of resources to improve your knowledge and skills. Participate in training workshops and attend lectures in your field. Extend your network by both sharing and absorbing top information to improve your worth.
Show your value in your office by always doing your best work, becoming an expert and sharing your knowledge with others. By standing out from the crowd, you’ll increase your chances of being offered promotions, raises and the best work assignments. When you show your value, you are also building a strong positive reputation, which can follow you throughout your career.