Vehicular traffic on Narayanghat-Mugling road section to resume today and tomorrow

By Basanta Dhungana
Published: January 14, 2024 11:50 AM

CHITWAN, Jan 14: The vehicular traffic on the Narayanghat-Mugling road section is said to resume today and tomorrow.

Krishna Acharya, information officer of the Nagdhunga-Mugling Road Project West Section (Narayanghat-Mugling) informed Republica that in view of the Maghe Sankranti fair at Devghat, it has been decided to resume traffic on the road even in the afternoon.

The work of demolishing the mound using explosives was being done by closing the road for four hours in the afternoon for three weeks from December 23. As the work of demolishing the mound to build a bridge over the Tuin river on this road section has not been completed, the road has been closed during the afternoon.

In the meeting of the District Security Committee (DSC), permission was given to work by closing the road for three more weeks.

Last year, the work came to a halt because of hard rock encountered during blasting. The work is said to have picked up pace this year after demolition began using a 38-tonne breaker. The project estimates that it will take another three weeks to break the mound. Accordingly, the DSC gave an extension of three weeks.

Work has been carried out using rock splitters and hydroline jackhammers to cut the rocks where necessary. Last year, only 22-ton breakers were used.

Four of the 19 bridges on that road were constructed four years ago. The remaining 15 bridges were contracted simultaneously. The construction of the bridges was started from March 23, 2020.