BOSTON, Oct 27: Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump used a phrase 'nasty woman' to Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the third and final presidential debate last week.
Hillary's close ally and Democratic Party Senator Elizabeth Warren from New Hampshire challenged Trump that 'nasty women' will cast their votes against him. "Women have headache with guys like you. Nasty women are tough, smart and nasty women will vote to get you out of our lives forever," said Warren addressing a rally in Manchester.
"She is the one who fights for us. She spent her life fighting for children, fighting for women. It is time for us to fight for Hillary," she told voters.
This could be a very small example to show that the 2016 US Presidential Election is turning into a battle of the genders.
Time magazine recently published a piece by Charlotte Altar on 'How Trump turned 2016 into a referendum on gender.'
"For all the historical significance of a woman taking a shot at the White House, the Republican nominee has made more headlines running as a man than Hillary Clinton has running as a woman," Altar wrote.
Not only his leaked tapes, where he was making sexist remarks on women, but also his comments on Hillary that she doesn't have a presidential look or that she doesn't have stamina to be a president pulled Trump into controversy regarding gender issues.
"I think Trump is using sexist rhetoric because he is running against the first woman nominee. He has to position himself as opposite of her and is using hateful and demeaning language to do so," said Kayle Neill, a student of political communication at Emerson College, Boston.
In a pre-election study conducted by Pew Research Center, around seven percent of American men said that they will never vote a woman for president. However, Dr Gregory Payne, the chief of the communications department at Emerson, said that the Clinton campaign should not be worried as she has been leading in polls despite the fact that gender-bias population is around seven percent.
"Trump is the candidate of hate and good thing for him a lot of Americans are very hateful," opined Kayle, who had supported Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders in the primary.
Iris J Burnett, who was executive director of the Coordinated Campaign Special Events Operation in 1992 and worked closely with the Bill Clinton government, also termed the 2016 election as 'gender election'.
"Yes, it is very much so that the 2016 is gender election. It is the first election where people say nobody likes either of the candidates. I have never heard such comments before," said Burnett.
If so, why Trump is still getting a significant support from women? Burnett has an answer.
"People are very angry with Washington. Even good people and woman are supporting Trump despite his hate. It shows how angry they are with the government and Washington. They associate Hillary with the government," said Burnett.