To touch or not to touch the clock

By No Author
Published: December 29, 2017 11:09 AM

KATHMANDU,   Dec 29: We are all set to welcome a New Year in another three days. Everyone’s excited and probably is making resolutions, looking for places to go and awaiting countdown.  However, there’s something that has irked social media users, especially Facebook.

Touch the Clock:

Flooded with Touch the Clock message from your friends and families? You’re not alone. The Clock has become viral to many. “Every time my Messenger sends notification, it’s the same video. I am so tired,” Aruna Thapa, a resident of Kathmandu said. “Initially, I thought it was a spam and ignored it. But when I saw too many of them, I decided to ‘touch the clock’.

 “But what’s the clock?” thing?

It is neither spam nor virus. It is to wish you a Happy New Year. Here’s how the video ends – just in case you are not ‘Touching the Clock’.

Its 2017 and the clock is ticking. It urges you to let go of your stresses, anxiety and hate and others. A full circle and its 2018. As the clock ticks, it says that you have 12 chapters to write a something new for a new year.  

Now that you know what the clock is all about, all you need is to wish them a Happy New Year.