Time to Rethink Student Leadership

By Jagadish Paudel
Published: March 18, 2025 06:35 AM

TU students must elect leaders focused on academic growth, not chaos

The Free Student Union (FSU) election is taking place on Chaitra 5th in all constituents and affiliated campuses of Tribhuvan University (TU). Historically, the FSU usually advocates for student rights, academic growth, democracy, and freedom. However, reflecting on the FSU’s past activities and the behavior of its leaders, there are crucial factors students must consider before casting their votes.

Changed roles of student leaders

In the past, the FSU played a crucial role in demanding political change and overthrowing the monarchy. However, the role they played during the Panchayat regime is no longer required at this moment. They need not go onto the streets to burn tires like puppets of their mother political party. Since we have already changed the political system, the FSU should also change its direction and activities. Instead, they need to focus their activities on students' welfare and academic growth. The FSU should lead its efforts in discussing and focusing its activities on developing innovative and advanced curricula, improving the examination system, building infrastructure, organizing conferences and workshops, appealing for fast and less complicated administrative services, making technology-friendly classrooms and administration, and equipping libraries (e-library, physical building with books and computers, etc.). We often hear that student leaders usually raise such issues during their election time and when they need students' support to go for protests and to show mass. But these agendas are put aside once they are elected for the FSU. So, there is a need for continuous advocacy on the issues.

The FSU should center its activities on innovative and advanced curricula, improving the examination system, building infrastructure, organizing conferences and workshops, appealing for fast and less complicated administrative services, making technology-friendly classrooms and administration, and equipping libraries. Student leaders often make these promises during the election period but forget about them once they are elected. It is crucial to ensure that the FSU focuses on these key areas to benefit students and ensure their academic progress.

One of the essential things that student leaders should change is their outlook and general perception about them. Leaders are often known, if not all, as scary and vulgar persons to the campus chief, department chief, administrative staff, and even the general students. When student leaders' demands are not fulfilled, they often break campus property, and sometimes they attack the campus chief, department head, and administrative staff, too. Student leaders are usually found on campus premises for padlocking, bargaining, and threatening rather than for dealing with academic concerns and issues. Looking at their activities over the years, it seems like their duty is to give trouble to the administrators, and it becomes even more adverse when the institution head comes from a different ideology. They usually blindly go against the head whose belief does not align with the student leaders. Hence, they need to change the perception about them as troublemakers to helpers to the campus administration and authorities.  

Additionally, student leaders should not be troublemakers. The strange thing is that student leaders usually attempt to influence administration unnecessarily while hiring teachers and administrative staff in the institution. Unnecessary encroachment is not their job; neither is this their duty. It is good to have students’ representatives while selecting teachers. However, it is ironic for institutions when they unreasonably try to favor hiring teachers and administrative staff who align with their ideology. From my observation, visiting various campuses of TU from Mechi to Mahakali, student union leaders are troublemakers to the campus administration. It is good to raise issues that are directly related to students’ concerns and problems. However, creating an obstacle in every aspect is utterly wrong and is never good for the institution and the students. It is high time for campus students to select their leaders wisely, not being political partisans or blind supporters of their student organizations. Students should choose leaders who prioritize their welfare and academic progress.

Character of ideal student leaders 

Student leaders must lead by example. They should demonstrate strong ethical standards in their academic and personal conduct. Are they responsible for their work, or do they rely on others to complete their assignments or theses? Are they academically competent, or do they engage in unethical practices like promoting gangsterism or bullying? If student leaders fail to uphold ethical principles, how can they be trusted to represent and advocate for students' rights?

Decency, politeness, and clear vision are also vital traits of effective student leaders. Leaders should be approachable, respectful, and willing to engage with the campus community. Rather than blaming others or making empty promises, good leaders should present clear, actionable plans to address students’ academic concerns. They should foster an environment of dialogue and cooperation, playing a crucial role in resolving conflicts and promoting positive change.

The current student leaders are tomorrow's leaders of the country. So, while choosing FSU, the students should choose their leaders with care; they should not vote for the students who involve themselves in unethical activities and promote gangsterism and vandalism on campuses. If students choose the wrong leaders now, we will likely produce the wrong leaders for the nation in the future. 

Bringing positive changes 

The student leaders can make FSU a platform for academic discussion and sharing. The FSU leaders themselves can do several activities for students' academic growth. For example, FSU leaders can conduct either virtual or in-person speaker series on various academic issues, inviting scholars, entrepreneurs, and CEOs from around the world. They can also invite upper-level students, e.g., Master, MPhil, and Ph.D. students, to discuss their work, struggles, successes, and strategies they embrace to succeed in their academic life. However, the activities should be run sustainably, not just to showcase a single time.

Moreover, student leaders can help coordinate resource collection for students, working to empower them with access to opportunities and tools for academic success. Beyond classroom learning, students need a broader support system that student leaders can help cultivate. Leaders can establish virtual platforms for academic discussions, peer mentoring, and support, enabling students to connect, collaborate, and grow together.

One crucial initiative student leaders can advocate for is the establishment of a Learning Management System (LMS). An electronic platform where students can access course materials, assignments, grades, institutional announcements, and library resources would significantly enhance academic experience. This system would streamline administrative processes, making information more accessible and reducing delays in accessing essential resources, such as unofficial mark sheets. FSU leaders should pressure campus authorities to implement such systems, ensuring that students have access to the tools they need for academic success.