The zest of life

Photo Courtesy: Steemit
By Sunar Juneli
Published: July 21, 2018 11:18 AM

Trials in life can be tragedies or triumphs; depending on how we handle them. Triumphs don’t come without effort. For me, life is a journey consisting of innumerous hurdles; each phase challenges our endurance, and each challenge requires unique handling. Life isn’t an easy journey. However, overcoming the obstacles gives relief and relaxation. In doing so, people handle stress per their level of tolerance. 

Stress does not spare successful individuals; they are presented on a whole new level. Like the two sides of a coin, life comprises both happiness and sadness. We must accept both, and move on hoping for better days. Life is an eternal learning process. Our achievements do not define life, but rather the success of life depends on how we live it.

I remember a story in the book ‘You Can Win ‘. In the book, there was a biology teacher who was explaining the life a butterfly. The teacher explained the struggles of a butterfly mentioning how it had to transform from a cocoon. Then the teacher left the class, asking the students to witness the metamorphosis. Seeing the struggle of the butterfly, one of the students tried helping the butterfly out. Unfortunately, his interference led to the death of the insect. When the teacher returned and asked what had happened, one of the students explained every detail. The teacher said to then briefed struggle is one of the laws of nature.

What we can understand from this is that it requires one to struggle to exist in this world; nothing comes easy. Those who work hard, attain success. It is necessary that we face our challenges, and learn from mistakes.