The unfinished love

Photo Courtesy: Ana
By Amrit Poudel
Published: January 24, 2017 09:00 PM

The love of her life had left her in a way that she had never expected. She had never been so broken before. Her tears were no more the tears of love, the moments spent with him were so precious to her that she had noted down every single happening between him and her. He had fled away to Australia for his studies without even letting her know. 

She went through the diary where she had written about the times they had cherished and talked about the future. He used to see himself as an engineer and so did she. She shook her head in despair that they had never gotten a chance to be together for more than an hour. 

She read the next page which made her cry and she felt it was all her mistake that they had never been together. She had no other option as the love of her life had already left. She regrets not confessing the love she had for him. “Oh pity me! The love of my life had confessed the love that he had for me and I realised I had been unaware about the whole situation.” She put her eyes on the picture that she had of him on the next page. She didn’t understand what love meant to him. The only way she could console herself was letting it be and keeping it to herself.  

She feels helpless turning more pages of her diary and so she keeps it back in the closet. 

Amrit is an undergraduate student at University of Mississippi