Technology: Boon or Bane?

By Shrijana Poudel
Published: December 05, 2017 10:11 AM

Does relying on technology to solve problems deteriorate our thinking ability? Technology governs almost every field like research, education, healthcare and so forth, and technology has proven to improve the thinking ability of human beings so far. And yet, however, there might be small groups of people who are misusing technology, consider excessive use of social media, and are deteriorating their thinking ability.

Internet has become one of the most commonly used technologies these days; be it for education or communication, the role of internet is indispensable in every respect. Smart use of technology in classroom has not only replaced traditional teaching method, it also has made classroom environment exhilarating with visual interpretation of academic materials. Let us take a general example of a laptop; through a laptop we can perform research works from myriad of sources and ultimately enhance our thinking ability. Also, with increase in ease of communication, discussing researches overseas has become accessible and thus helped in improving thinking ability of human.

Another stance where technology has proven to be beneficial is a health sector. To be specific, technologies like MRI and CT has facilitated the diagnosis of several diseases. While the diagnosis of disease has become easier, application of these technologies would not be possible without expertise using it. To be practitioner in any field, one indefinitely has to extensively ruminate upon informative materials. Similarly, several antibodies against diseases have been produced as a result of technological advance. To mention a few, vaccine against polio, malaria, MMR would not be possible without intense research from practitioner aided by technological innovations.

Albeit, if we take an example of small group of teenagers, overusing technology such as social media, their ability to think will surely deteriorate. These days they are extremely fixated by their cell phones that it feels like virtual reality has been gaining a control over the social world we live in. Not only are they avoiding social interaction, rarely do they visit library and seem to acknowledge the importance of prints that leave a mark in the history.

In conclusion, technology has helped in improving our thinking ability to a large extent like in education, communication, health sector and so forth, nevertheless, some might be misusing it and hence impeding their thinking ability. What it actually is, a boon or a bane? Well, that is better decided by the users.

Shrijana is a graduate from Kathmandu Forestry College, Koteshwar.