We all have that phase in our life when we are super busy. The weekdays pass so fast that the weekends are back again, making us feel like it was yesterday. This also happens when we plan our year in January with the list of things to be done throughout, and realize that we are already in the last quarter of the year, finishing only two things from the scroll.
It definitely makes us feel better when we comprehend about the events in our calendar.
There are so many instances that have occurred that balances the thought. On a different note, twenty four hours in day, is very less for a lot of people involved in many activities.
There is ample that can be done in a day, if actions are prioritized, and the time is managed well. Irrespective of a good time management, there are many who want the day to last more than twenty four hours. If you fall under this category, how many hours do you think should be dedicated for an entire day?
There would be different set of answers from various people. Some would say even if the number of hours was to be increased; each individual would be busy as they were before, because these are people who are busy even if they are not. Some would opt for a lesser time frame in a day, because they do not have much to be done. These are the set of individuals who get bored easily and one of the aspects that need to be understood is the reasons of their boredom. There are so many things that one can get involved in if they want to. The last set will make the most of the time.
These are the set which utilize each moment productively. They feel that every minute gone can never be achieved and value every second. To think about it and rationalize, an average life expectancy of a person is 65 years, which in total is 23725 days. Most of us have completed half of it which makes it 11862 days only. Calculating in terms of minutes it is only 284700 minutes. It is so difficult for us to accept that this is the only time that we are left with.
If we keep analyzing and counting this, we will surely understand how important it is to live life with the things that we love doing. Every minute lost to find what we are passionate about is better than every minute passed doing the everyday norm.
Shikha is a Chartered Accountant and Client Servicing Executive at JWT Thompson Nepal