Relief goods worth over Rs 20 million meant for quake victims destroyed

By No Author
Published: January 02, 2018 03:08 PM

NUWAKOT, Jan 2: The relief goods including food grain and other food stuff brought here to be distributed to the earthquake survivors have been destroyed as they have become useless. 

Stored at the Skill Training Centre at local Bidur, the relief materials have become date expired and decayed and hence had to be destroyed. They were destroyed over a week's period. 

These relief goods and food grains were brought here by various organizations and donor countries in April and May immediately after the April 25, 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and stored at the Centre. But these relief materials went to the waste as they were not distributed and managed for a long time. 

The goods were stocked after a dispute between the district administration and the political parties erupted following the devastating earthquake regarding the manner and the priority in which the relief should be distributed. 

The relief goods and food stuff worth over Rs 50 million was stockpiled on the damp floor at the Training Centre without any protective measures and more than half amount of the relief has got rotten, Administrative Officer at the District Administration Office, Nanda Lal Sharma, said. 

According to Sharma, the food grains and food stuff destroyed is worth over Rs 20 million. RSS