RASUWA, August 8: The redesign of the Integrated Check Post (ICP) under construction at Rasuwagadhi, a trade gateway with China, has missed its deadline. Yogendra Tumbahangphe, Project Manager of Shyam Sundar Rabina JV Construction, said that 55 percent of the work has been completed so far but the redesign is not ready yet.
The work of stone cutting and hard rock cutting was not included in the cost estimation at the time of the commencement of the project. Under this, the construction has used around Rs 15 million. But since the cost is not in the estimate, the Departmental approval has to be acquired for the amount to be released. "The money for the work done three years ago has not been released," he said. “It has been nine months since the variation order was issued.”
He said that there was a problem when the variation order was not approved.
Many things were missing during the design and cost estimate of the ICP. What is missing in the design and cost estimate has to be paid through variation order. "The design work could not be completed on time," he said. “Complete design has not been provided. Earlier, there was no RCC wall, but now RCC wall has been added.”
He said that after the design was fixed, there would be variation orders for so many items. As up to 5 variations have to be ordered to complete a project, there is a problem when it is not approved in time.
About 55 percent work of the project has been completed so far. But the work of installing roof, tiles, marble, plastering or not has not been finalized.
According to Shyam Sundar Rabina JV Construction, which has been awarded the contract for the construction of the ICP, the construction of the ICP building as well as the foundation work of the building of the Armed Police Force is underway. About 40 percent of the work has been completed. Project Manager Tumbahangphe said that the work of lifting the RCC and the first floor column of the ICP building has been completed.
Even though the construction started from January 2019, the work could not gain momentum due to various reasons. Project Manager Tumbahangphe said that the construction of ICP has gained momentum now. There are now 60 workers on the site. The construction work was delayed due to legal process, delay in the management of transformers, shortage of construction materials and workers and construction of Diversion Bridge at the border point.