Reasons to start a speaking career

By No Author
Published: December 05, 2016 11:35 PM

For some, stepping onto an empty stage feels like having a swarm of bees lodged in their stomach. For others, the stage is a natural place where ideas are shared, knowledge is exchanged, and audience members might as well shed a few tears. With the popularity of events like TED those drawn to the stage are becoming more interested in a speaking career. So, why should you consider a speaking career?

There are four main categories that public speakers fall into, whether they are in a boardroom or delivering a speech for a school audience.

Many speakers started their careers by sharing interesting travel stories and tales of war, for instance. Do you have a story worth sharing? If you’re looking to establish credibility for yourself, consider publishing a book or eBook on the topic before using the term ‘expert’. From life coaches to pastors to business leaders, motivational speakers are passionate about sharing their abilities and inspiring action in others. They appeal to the emotions of their listeners and have the power of persuasion, no matter the subject or audience.

Why get into speaking?

There’s no better way to share your message than in-person, on a stage, where the attention is directly on you. Start by asking yourself: what do I know that I want the world to know? What do I have that can give value, make a change, or positively affect others?

Entrepreneurs and public speaking go together like peanut butter and jelly and cannot exist without the other. But even more than that, an entrepreneur must hone in those skills in order to approach investors, host seminars, train new employees, and more. Could a public speaking career help you develop key skills? 

There’s no better way to establish yourself as a thought leader than to engage in a successful public speaking career. It’s a fresh way of putting yourself and your brand out into the world in a way that’s much more engaging than ‘download this eBook’ or ‘sign up for our newsletter.’

Social change is important, but it can only begin when people understand the problem. The phenomenon of Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ is a good example, which began as a presentation and grew from there. What would you change about our world, why would you change it, and how could your audience help? What would you raise awareness about to affect positive change?

If you’ve done any proprietary work in your field, or if you simply want people to see, that you know what you’re talking about, a career speaking might be for you. This can be a way to add exposure to your existing credible work, as well as make connections before and after the event.

Perhaps you’re tired of seeing the same mistake repeatedly when it comes to loading dishwashers properly or creating Facebook passwords. Don’t be the person who complains about it but does nothing; public speaking gives you the opportunity to create the change you’d like to see happen.

Are you giving away hours of training, sound advice, or detailed instruction? Consider that you may have a valuable asset through your existing know-how, and willing to accept that people will pay to learn it.

Giving ideas and suggestions in a certain topic is one thing but organizing discussion sessions are another. The overall experience you have building a public speaking career can enhance long-term goals in any field. Speaking skills, confidence, self-promotion, and persuasion are all abilities that carry over into different workforces.

For those of us who feel as if they have something to prove, level up on your competition might be just enough to do it. Have you ever watched a speech or presentation and felt as if you had something to add, offer, or could just straight-up improve? How would you do it? How could you do it in about 20 minutes?
For the personal gratification, reputation boost, and perhaps even the potential of fame and fortune, public speaking might be the right career move for you.