Racial discrimination and untouchability highest in State 2

Published: June 08, 2019 11:30 AM

PALPA, June 8: National Human Rights Commission member Prakash Wosti has said that the highest rate of racial discrimination and untouchability is in State no 2.

This is followed by State no. 6 and State no. 7 respectively. Speaking at an interaction organised by the NHRC here on Friday, he said though Dalit rights have been enshrined in the Constitution, incidents of racial discrimination and untouchability against them have not stopped.

District Coordination Committee, Palpa Chief Dayaraj Basyal said everybody is equal before the law and added that the incidents of racial discrimination and untouchability are on the decline. Chair of Rainadevi rural municipality Ram Bahadur Karki stressed on the need to address the matter of untouchability by including it in the school curriculum.

Vice chair of Bagnaskali rural municipality Sarawasti Chidi, CDO Birendra Kumar Yadav, Police Chief Biswamani Pokharel called for increasing public awareness to stop racial discrimination and untouchability.