Per capita spending in urban areas twice as much as in rural areas

By Republica
Published: April 08, 2017 10:44 AM

KATHMANDU, April 7: Per capita consumption expenditure in urban areas is twice as much as in rural areas, according to a recent survey.

The Household Budget Survey conducted by Central Bureau of Statistics shows that a person spends Rs 101,659 on consumption on food and non food items in urban areas annually, while such spending is only Rs 52,007 in rural areas.

The survey, which was carried out last year among 2,250 rural and 2,250 urban households, shows that each household in rural areas spent Rs 248,893 annually, compared to Rs 431,337 in urban centers. 
Families in rural areas spend about 60 percent of their total expenditure on consumption of food items, while spending on non-food items is only 40 percent. Families in urban centers, however, spend only about 45 percent of their total expenditure on food items. According to the survey, per capital consumption stands at Rs 70,680.

Average annual spending on consumption by each family has increased by 8 percent over the past two decades, shows an analysis of CBS based on the latest household budget survey. 

The average consumption increased by 8 percent based on the base per capita consumption of 1995/96. Each family spent Rs 6,802 on consumption according to the Living Standard Survey carried out in 1995/96.