Nepali migrant woman murdered in USA, hubby held

By Republica
Published: January 09, 2017 08:35 PM

WASHINGTON DC, Jan 9: Nepali migrant Rina Jadav Shrestha, who was residing in Mecanicsville of Virginia, was gruesomely murdered by her own husband.

Police have recovered her body wrapped in a piece of cloth. A postmortem report shows that Rina was murdered with a sharp weapon.

According to Hanover County Police, Rina’s body was found lying in a field near her residence.

Police have also arrested her 33-year-old husband Harshad Kumar Jadav .

Jadav of Indian origin is a computer programmer.

Rina had tied the knot with Jadav four years ago. They had no children so far.

Neighbors had heard a woman scream at night.

Police had found Rina’s body at 5:43 am the following day. There was a vehicle with lights and the door to the driver's side on nearby the dead-body.

Deceased Rina and her husband Harshad Kumar used to reside at House No.1, 100 on Arcadia Mido Road.

Taking a warrant order from Hanover County Circuit Court, police had raided Jadav’s house.

Police recovered USD 10,000 along with a passport while Jadav was planning to escape.