HUMLA, July 30: After introducing multimedia classes instead of day-to-day lecture, Maandhara Higher Secondary School (MHSS) of Kharpunath Rural Municipality has seen an increase in attendance of students.
According Radhika Shahi, a grade ten student of MHSS, multimedia class has made them attentive and has also made them eager to learn. She further informed that multimedia classes are more interesting than lectures.
Dil Bahadur Shahi, principal of MHSS, stated that every teacher is provided with a laptop and other teaching materials which are essential for both teaching and learning practices.
“The SEE results of last year was remarkable than the SLC results of the year before and this has been possible due to the e-learning methods,” Principal Shahi claimed.
“Earlier, we had no human resource to operate and teach computer classes in the school,” he said, adding, “Though in the beginning the parents didn't want us to change the teaching pattern, later they realized the necessity of multimedia classes due to the poor performance of the students,” he added.
Despite being far from the district headquarters and lacking experienced teachers for each subject as well as not having any other source of income, MHSS is still successfully running the multimedia classes. Even the schools in the headquarters don't have multimedia classes.
According to Kamal Bahadur Shahi, a parent, director of the School Management Committee Lok Jung Shah had contributed a lot in helping the school run the multimedia classes.