Nepali film ‘Mr Virgin’ has fixed its releasing date. The film which is made under the banner of Worldwide Films Institutions Pvt Ltd, is set to release on August 17, 2018. The film is directed by Bisharad Basnet and features different artist including Gaurav Pahari, Bijay Baral, Kamal Mani Nepal, Mariska Pokharel, Bhola Raj Sapkota, Rabindra Jha and Srijana Subba.
The story of the film is written by Mahesh Dawadi and is choreographed by Deepak Yam Singh. Similarly, Milan D Kapri has edited the film. The film is produced by Prajapati Sapkota, Mukesh Regmi, and Bisaradh Basnet while Dashrath Giri is the technical head of the film. The film which includes Sandeep Upreti as an assistant director portrays sexual psychology of three youths.