
By Shyam Bhakta Thapa
Published: November 25, 2017 08:07 AM

We met somehow
We talked and
Came closer
I thought it wasn’t miracle
We liked each other 
We began to miss 
And finally
We fell in love
I thought it wasn’t miracle though

We would argue
We would fight and
Wouldn’t even talk for days
You know it’s pretty common so I thought it wasn’t a miracle

Even at 
The moment,
The day
We broke up
I thought it wasn’t miracle because everybody does it at a point

After years,
I discovered that, it was damn miracle
The way we met 
The way we talked and 
Came closer
It was true miracle that happened to me
When we started to like each other
When we began to miss each other and finally
Fell in love

I don’t remember the rest but
Only thing I remember the best is
Hell yes, 
It was miracle once happened with me
The way we met
The way we talked and
Fell in love
It was a damn miracle.