While many gyms in Nepal don’t even have the slightest idea on what a mini-trampoline is or what it could to our health, some exceptions have decided to be proactive and launch the rebounders. To pursue the dream of having a perfectly shaped body and staying fit, many adults knock the gyms’ doors and change their eating habits. However, several among them start skipping the exercise classes just as soon as they join due to excessive exhaustion or boredom.
Mini-trampoline aka rebounder has emerged as the latest favorite for fitness freaks. The exercising equipment, though earlier used as a device for fun, has proved to be an effective and easy medium to burn calories. According to various researches, rebounders are also helpful in stimulating all internal organs, improving bone mass, detoxifying body, improving eyes sight and eliminating cancer, among others.
“We are in the process to launch the rebounder or mini-trampoline. This is good news for all Nepali fitness lovers,” said Sameer Basnet, manager of Fitness Park at CTC Mall. He added, “Mini-trampolines are the fastest way to burn calories as compared to running on a treadmill. So exercising on a mini-trampoline is more beneficial for overweight people to lose their weight. We are also planning to launch mini-trampoline aerobics classes, which include jumping on the rebounder in the beat of music.”
“Jumping on a mini-trampoline that has a circular mat with three ft three inches diameter and is made of nylon will heal various knee-related problems. And it also makes the leg muscles strong. Moreover, it will also be useful for a growing kid to help in increase height. However, only up to 110 kilos of weight can jump on a mini-trampoline at once.”
Nirankar Silwal, Sameer’s colleague, stated that the idea to launch mini-trampoline at their fitness center had come from Uttam Silwal, owner of Fitness Park at CTC Mall. Silwal has more than 15 years of experience as a fitness equipment supplier. He wanted to introduce a new gym equipment in Nepal for long and finally put his fingers on rebounders.
Sharada Silwal, owner of Best Sports Gym Equipments Pvt Ltd in Samakhusi, is also planning to introduce mini-trampolines at his gym from January. She said the equipment will be exported from China. Sharada believes that jumping in a mini-trampoline will help people reduce weight with less effort. She added that she got the idea of introducing mini-trampoline through YouTube videos.
Though there are not many trained trampoline users in Nepal, fitness gurus have been receiving training to learn how to use the device. The most interesting thing is that the trainers are learning from YouTube videos for want of professional instructors. Well, it is not necessary that one has to join the gym to enjoy a fun-filled exercise on a mini-trampoline. You can also buy the device and install it at your home. Just keep in mind that you jump on the rebounder with the beat of the music. Voila, you’re ready for a fit and healthy body.