Little ways to stay fit

By The Week Bureau
Published: October 25, 2019 11:00 AM

Staying fit and healthy is on everyone’s priority list but it can often be a difficult resolution to keep. However, making some lifestyle changes can help you stay on top of your fitness game. Here we bring you seven simple ways to do just that. 

Monitor your steps
You are taking care of your fitness and calories but you don’t see any results? It’s time you should invest in a fitness wearable to track your distance covered, your sleep, your heart rate and ultimately your performance as well. A pedometer or a fitness tracker will ensure that you are motivated enough to meet your daily step goal. Try to hit at least 10,000 steps a day. 

Drink a large glass of water before you eat
Every time you eat, even if it’s a snack, be sure to drink a large glass of water before your meal. Not only will this ensure you stay adequately hydrated, but it may also help you eat less, if you are trying to be mindful of your portions. Sometimes you can also mistake thirst for hunger so stay hydrated throughout the day.

Start each day with a pinch of Himalayan salt and lime juice in water
Drinking a glass of water mixed Himalayan pink salt and lime juice each morning helps balance your pH, gives you energy, and keeps your internal processes running smoothly. Also, it tastes good, and after a long night’s rest you need to rehydrate. The added salt will help your body retain more of that water. 

Clean out your pantry
If you’re trying to eat healthier and thus be fitter, get rid of any ‘trigger foods’ that are in your pantry or refrigerator. If you find that you can’t quit cold turkey, at least make it harder to get at that bag of chips or box of cookies. Put snacks in harder-to-reach places rather than in a bowl on the counter or a cabinet at chest height. If you need to kneel down or use a stepladder to reach your favorite junk food, you’ll be less likely to snack. 

Get up, stand up
When you are standing, you burn more calories. Try to stand up as much as possible throughout the day even if there are ample opportunities to sit. Challenge yourself to avoid states of immobility. Take the stairs whenever you can, stand up when you are talking on the phone, and move about whenever you can. These may seem like small things, but when you do multiple versions of them in combination, you can really expend more energy. 

Invest in gym or workout gear
If you are guilty of working out in your pajamas or those old trainers, then it’s time to ditch them in favor of some cool, new workout gear. New synthetic fabrics that are used to make gym clothes have greater capability to absorb sweat. Unlike cotton, they don’t become heavier with sweat and thus slow you down. It also won’t give you an uncomfortable rub on the skin, thus making working out all the more fun and enjoyable.

Work out in the morning
After a long day of work and additional activities, most people are wiped out by the time they make it back from their commutes. That’s exactly why it makes sense to include a workout before you hit the stress and scheduling obstacles of a jam-packed work day. Exercising in the morning gives the body’s metabolism the much-needed jump-start after slowing down during sleep and increases focus when you are at work. Also, morning workouts might be more effective because the body has been fasting all night. A study published in The Journal of Physiology in 2010 found that exercise was more effective on an empty stomach because it stimulated fat oxidation and improved insulin sensitivity.