BIRATNAGAR, June 29: Koshi Chief Minister Hikmat Kumar Karki has sought a vote of confidence from the opposition parties. CM Karki asked for a vote of confidence on behalf of the UML parliamentary party, asking for cooperation for five years for political stability in the province.
CM Karki has prepared to take the vote of confidence today. A meeting of the Provincial Assembly has been called today at 1 o'clock for the purpose. Before seeking the vote of confidence, CM Karki sent a letter to the leaders of the parliamentary parties of Nepali Congress, CPN-US and other parties asking for a vote of confidence.
In Karki's letter, it is mentioned that the government changes frequently in order to ensure the stability of the province structure, good governance and to meet the expectations of the citizens. CM Karki has made a commitment in the letter that he is ready to further discuss how and by what method the government will be run for five years. On the other hand, Uddhav Thapa, leader of the parliamentary party of the main opposition party Nepali Congress, said that a meeting of the opposition coalition parties will be held and a decision will be taken regarding the letter seeking vote of confidence.