KMC's Municipal Council meeting called for June 14

By Republica
Published: June 01, 2024 05:20 PM

KATHMANDU, June 1: The 15th Municipal Council meeting of Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has been scheduled for June 14.

The 32nd Executive Meeting, chaired by Mayor Balendra Shah (Balen), set the date for the Municipal Council meeting.

After the secretary of the meeting and the Chief Administrative Officer of the Metropolis, Pradeep Pariyar, requested the ward chairpersons to conduct the meeting, Ward Chairperson of KMC Ward-22, Chin Kaji Maharjan, raised issues regarding the expansion of pedestrian pathways in the New Road area and the matter of revenue-related files being taken to the central office from Ward-22.

In response, Mayor Shah explained that the pedestrian pathways are being expanded as more people use the footpaths than the roads.

The meeting decided to request the Education Service Commission to fill the teacher vacancies. KMC Spokesperson Nabin Manandhar stated that the vacant positions of teachers should be filled locally.

The meeting granted agreement in principle for the 'Legal Drafting and Publication of Local Gazette and Policy Documents Procedure-2081 BS,' the first amendment of the 'Labor Bank Operation Procedure-2080 BS,' and the first amendment of the 'Tole Development Organization (Formation and Operation) Procedure-2080 BS.'

Similarly, the 'Pharmacy Operation and Regulation Guidelines-2081 BS' and the 'Saathi Metropolitan Operation Procedure-2081 BS' were approved with amendments.

The meeting decided to provide an opportunity for volunteers who have reached the age of 60 and have served for 10 years to retire voluntarily with benefits. The meeting also approved the appointment of Engineer Shailendra Jha and Prasun Ratna Bajracharya as members of the Urban Planning Commission.

Proposals were presented by Khyamraj Tiwari, Coordinator of the Good Governance Committee; Rajesh Kumar Shrestha, Coordinator of the Infrastructure Committee; Basant Acharya, Member Secretary of the Legislative Committee; and Govinda Prasad Sharma, Member Secretary of the Health and Education Committee.