‘KGF 2’ Hindi has made its entry into the coveted 200 crore club on its fifth day at the box office. After a grand opening on Thursday and an equally strong weekend collection, the film managed to hold well on its first Monday too. According to Boxofficeindia, ‘KGF 2’ Hindi added Rs 25 crore to its collection. The film now stands at a total of Rs 215 crore.
At the end of its extended first week, ‘KGF 2’ Hindi is expected to rake in a total business of Rs 265-270 crore net. Going by the present trend, the film may defeat the numbers of ‘Bahubali: The Conclusion. ‘KGF 2’ Hindi has emerged as a money-spinner, having earned over 200 crore net in five days. Helmed by Prashanth Neel, ‘KGF 2’ is a period action drama starring Yash, Sanjay Dutt, Prakash Raj, and Raveena Tandon.
Before ‘KGF 2’, the Hindi dubbed versions of ‘Pushpa’ and ‘RRR’ have earned a lot of acclaim at the box office. Speaking about the success of South films dubbed in Hindi, Sanjay Dutt had told ETimes, “I think the Hindi film industry has forgotten the larger-than-life heroism. But the Southern industries didn’t forget heroism. I’m not saying that slice-of-life films or rom-coms are bad. But why have we forgotten our audience from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan who make up a large section of our audience. I hope that trend comes back in the Hindi film industry. Earlier we had individual producers and financiers which the corporatization of film studios has brought to an end. Corporatization is good but that shouldn’t interfere with our taste in movies.”