Kangana Ranaut stepped out to watch ‘RRR’ with her family on Thursday and the actress is all praise for the movie. The actress dedicated a special video reviewing the movie and praising the film’s writer KV Vijayendra Prasad.
“This film needs no promotions, it is breaking all records and setting new ones. It is packed with feeling of patriotism and unity. It encourages good art and culture. And any Indian would want to praise the movie after watching it. It narrates the story of two heroes and makes us wonder that there would be so many other unsung heroes during our freedom struggle. In today's age also there are many unsung heroes who are not talked about much. Shri KV Vijayendra, the writer of this movie, has given us several remakrable movies. At the age of 80 he is one of India's busiest writers. He writes stories in 15 days, whereas others take 6 months and a year to complete a story. You feel passionate when you meet him. I feel he deserves a Padma Vibhushan and it is not his need, it is the need of the youth. We need more people like him in the industry,” shared Kangana Ranaut.
The actress went on to congratulate the film’s cast and director too. Kangana said, Every actor in 'RRR' has performed very well, be it NTR ji and Ram Charan ji. Words fail me when I speak about director SS Rajamouli, he is like a king and all I would say, 'long live the king'. Thank you for ‘RRR’.”
‘RRR’ has been receiving a lot of love from across the country. The film’s Hindi version has made a business of Rs 131 crore in its first week.