Moms switch to home made food for kids

DB Budha/Republica Students eating lunch made of local ingredients at a school in Chaudbis, Jumla.
By DB Buda
Published: December 28, 2016 12:30 AM

JUMLA, Dec 28: Hirakali Thapa, a local of Malikthanta-6 of Jumla, used to feed her kids a lot of junk food earlier. Since a few weeks, she prefers to offer nothing but homemade diet to them. Her children are taking time to like the taste of food made of locally-grown grains, including jaulo, lito and eggs. But Harikala is not ready to reconsider her decision after learning what the lack of proper diet could do to her kids. 

“I have come to know that they need nutritious food which is found in grains, eggs, fruits, vegetables and meat. Packed items like noodles and other junk food are harmful,” said the mother who got the insight recently. 

Another mother, Deepkali Thapa of Malikthanta VDC, Malapani said that earlier there was a belief in the village that very small children should not be given fish, meat or eggs. “But now we have come to know that it is not right. We actually must feed such things to kids instead of junk food,” she said. 

The change has come in the village due to the initiative of female heath workers, who inform women about proper diet. Under the nutrition-related programs jointly run by the government and several NGOs, the health workers have been telling women why they need to rethink over the diet they have it themselves and offer to their kid. The programs run for some months now has started giving results as  women in the targeted area have started to mix maize, wheat ,barley, soyabean and various dry fruits in their kids' meal.

Harikala, meanwhile, stated that she has even learnt other hygienic tips from the health workers.

“We need to wash our hands several times a day. It is a must before eating anything,” she said. 

According to District Health Office, such health awareness programs have been conducted in Mahabaipatharkhola, Malikathanta, Patarasi and Kankasundar, among other areas and the nutrition record of children has improved of late.