It’s okay to accept rejections

By Moin Uddin
Published: January 20, 2018 10:57 AM

Do you think that it is easy to fall in love? Do you think that the person you love will accept your proposal so easily? Let us imagine the person you connect with and somehow they will accept your love without thinking further about their personal future aspects. No, the journey of acceptance has to pass many stages. It is a complex phenomenon.

Once while talking with a person regarding love acceptance and later getting married, he said to me that the process of acceptance followed by marriage has to go through lots of phases. The phases of personal expectations, mutual expectations, followed by family expectations, societal expectations, religious expectations and many more. Do you think that it is so easy? If it were, there wouldn’t be any sad stories.

Love is not always a bed of roses that gives aromatic smell, but the pain to be accepted that comes along with the thorns in it. We all might have fallen in love once or multiple times in lives, but only a few are lucky to go through the stages and come out as winner, but the luckiest are those who continue the journey with equal enthusiasm even after marriage. Never giving despite knowing that the roads are not easy is the real acceptance of love. However, taking the initial step of love journey takes a compatible reasoning.

It takes a lot of effort and courage to love someone. More courageous are those who accept rejection. Some rejections might not invite much pain, however some are mutual and more painful. Some of us have been through this stage. You know how much time it takes to relieve the load of a heavy heart once someone puts the load of rejection on you. If you have truly loved, the load will pull you so hard that it can affect your daily life. It doesn’t matter if you have loved for the first time or multiple times, love is love and the pain is the same.

Though you might gain some wisdom with each relationship, but wisdom alone cannot heal you. You need someone to help you to get out from it. You need love the most in this phase, but still most of us are not so comfortable sharing about our feelings. We worry if people become judgmental.

Sometimes you just cannot think or find any solutions, you heart and mind becomes hollow. You keep thinking of that person, you know the reasons for your rejection, but still you linger around the memories with your beloved. I wonder does the other person also feels the same or just moves on.  
Love is beautiful, it’s energetic, it inspires, it motivates, it gives a reason to live, but it’s complex – it de-motivates, it drains your energy, creativity, it takes away much of your mental efforts, makes you weak, sad, hopeless and in extreme occasions might take your life. But it will only happen if you let your mind wander.

It is okay to love, but it’s also okay to accept rejections. Yes, it takes time to overcome. But you will not lose anything in life, as the relationship has already taught you many things. When we recall your past days in the future, you’ll be amazed that you learned so many things. Rejections will help you become the better version of yourself.